《iCeMS解析センター》負担金等内規改正のお知らせ / Notice of revised Bylaws for User Fees, etc.
2024-02-01 01:30
2024/01/25付で京都大学高等研究院物質―細胞統合システム拠点解析センター利用負担金等内規(2020/03/31 iCeMS解析センター長裁定)を一部改正しました。主な改正点は、2機器の追加、5機器の削除です。2024/02/01より施行します。
As of 2024/01/25, Bylaws for User Fees, etc. of Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) Analysis Center, Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study (KUIAS) decision by the Director of iCeMS Analysis Center, KUIAS was partially revised. The main revisions are the addition of two devices and the deletion of five devices, effective from 2024/02/01.